I know everyone thinks Bob is huge. Yes, he looks like a little polar bear. : ) So I decided to go back and compare him to Fada's other pups.
Piper (Fe) and Drummer (Ml) are from the Christmas 2009 litter. Daz (Fe) and Vettel (Ml) were born Feb 2011. And Bob, of course, June of this year.
Piper Drummer Daz Vettel Bob
Birth 6.3 6.6 7.9 8.1 7.5 (oz)
1 week 10.6oz 10.8oz 1:4.6 1:05.8 (lb:oz) 13oz
2 weeks 1:04.1 1:04.8 1:12.3 1:15 1:6
3 weeks 1:11 1:13 1:14.8 2:4.1 1:11
4 weeks 2:02 2:04 2:08 3:00 1:15
5 weeks 3:04 3:08 (5.5 wks) 2:09 3:04 2:05
6 weeks 3:04 4:00 2:11
Daz (top) and Vettel (bottom) |
Piper (top) and Drummer (bottom) |
Bob |