Daz and I went to Lancaster to the Licking River Kennel Club show today. We went early again, to get her used to the site and watch our friends, Sami (our handling teacher) and her puppy, Blush. Daz adores Blush, a 6 mos old Weimaraner. She even thinks it's fun when Blush slaps her on the head. Today though, Blush was being a very good girl and showed beautifully. Quite the good example for Daz!
The Podengo entry today was five, with one absent, so four showed. Two of those were Daz's 1/2 siblings, being Andretti kids with the Faws. The fourth was "Tink", bred by the Faws and owned by Georgina Nagy. The four pups were all playing and roughhousing outside the ring while the breeds ahead of us showed, so we weren't really sure how it would go once we were in. <g> Little boy Jasper got to go in first, by himself and was quite the little star.
Okay, so maybe he WAS still watching the girls outside the ring. <g> But he as the only boy, so he won his puppy class.
Then it was time for Alice, Daz and Tink to go in. The girls were all great. All are within a month of the same age and for puppies were quite well behaved. At least I thought so. Alice won the class, followed by Daz and Tink. Alice went on to Best of Breed over her brother and then to Best in Misc. Group over the Chinook. Yeah Alice!
We got the the Andretti babies together for a group photo afterwards. Not easy to get everyone looking presentable at the same time! Thank you Susan Faw for snapping the photo.
Not sure when Daz's next show will be, but so far, very happy with how she is showing for me! More photos on the
Picasa site, and I will post more in the next day or so.