Daz can also make it up onto Fada's table with her in the yard now!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
We have been really busy lately! Daz went to her first conformation fun match over the weekend. I was very pleased with her. She trotted around the ring very nicely, self stacked decently and behaved herself on the table. We start handling lessons tomorrow evening.
We have also started out "teeter" training. It might not LOOK like teeter training, to the casual observer, but is to get her used to making things move. I have taught her to paw at a cabinet door and slam it closed. I'll move on to Fada's skateboard, but not sure if we'll get to it this week.
Continuing with the "recall to heel" practice, adding motion. When we are doing it outside, I run forward a few steps as she gets into position. I want to be able to reward her in motion and teach her to move fast from the beginning.
I am also continuing to take advantage of various distracting situations to have her engage in play with me. I ask her for tugging, focus, etc. while dogs are working agility around us, the big dogs are playing in the yard, anywhere I can.
Continuing with the "recall to heel" practice, adding motion. When we are doing it outside, I run forward a few steps as she gets into position. I want to be able to reward her in motion and teach her to move fast from the beginning.
I am also continuing to take advantage of various distracting situations to have her engage in play with me. I ask her for tugging, focus, etc. while dogs are working agility around us, the big dogs are playing in the yard, anywhere I can.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Earlier I wrote about (human) mealtime manners for Daz. Progress! Last evening at dinner Mike finally convinced her that she did NOT belong on his lap while there was a plate there, but beside him was acceptable. She did eventually "get it". This morning when I had breakfast, she quit trying for my lap much more quickly and settled beside me ,like her mother does while we're eating.
I do sporadic recalls throughout the day with Daz. I keep a bunch of the tiny little freeze dried turkey bites (perfect little PPod size!) in my pocket for this purpose. Last week I started easing Daz into "heel position" (RTH, a la APHS) on these recalls. Hey, never too early, right? <g> So now she comes running into heel from all directions, with guidance from a treat. Reward happens once she is in RTH position.
I do sporadic recalls throughout the day with Daz. I keep a bunch of the tiny little freeze dried turkey bites (perfect little PPod size!) in my pocket for this purpose. Last week I started easing Daz into "heel position" (RTH, a la APHS) on these recalls. Hey, never too early, right? <g> So now she comes running into heel from all directions, with guidance from a treat. Reward happens once she is in RTH position.
Time outside
Wednesday night brought more dreadful storms, but we had a beautiful day! Dogs and I spent a good bit of time out playing. More photos on the Picasa site and a new video of Daz on YouTube.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
A lesson for a Wednesday
Oh, our Little Miss is becoming independent! If she does NOT see me reach for my pocket before calling her inside, she not only does NOT come, she runs away! If this is more than a one day phase, someone will be dragging a long line outdoors soon!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
A lesson that needs to be learned
Just because Daz is ABLE to jump on the couch now, does not mean she is always allowed to! We had a discussion during my lunch today. (yes, most of our meals are in the living room) After several gentle pushes and repeating "no, off" numerous times, Daz spent the time in the small play pen I have set up for her just off of the living room. She has a blanket, toys and plenty of room to play so it is not a punishment, just a reminder that if you cannot follow my rules, you get some time on your own. We will, undoubtedly, be repeating this one.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Three months old!
Thanks Pam for the great photo from Daz's weekend. Many more pictures in Daz's Picasa album!
Daz's big weekend
I was out of town Friday through Sunday. My wonderful friend Pam not only puppy sat, but she also exposed Daz to LOTS of new things AND took pics!
Pam has Vizslas and Friday she took Daz to the park for a run with them.

Saturday our agility club had a demo at Ohio State and Daz went along and met tons of people and some livestock!
On Sunday it was another Vizsla run. This time in the woods with climbing over rocks and running in a stream!
Pam's husband is a Columbus police officer, and he has nicknamed Daz "Bandit" and made her is unofficial mascot.

Overall, Daz had a great weekend with Pam and the Vizslas!
Pam has Vizslas and Friday she took Daz to the park for a run with them.

Saturday our agility club had a demo at Ohio State and Daz went along and met tons of people and some livestock!
On Sunday it was another Vizsla run. This time in the woods with climbing over rocks and running in a stream!
Pam's husband is a Columbus police officer, and he has nicknamed Daz "Bandit" and made her is unofficial mascot.

Overall, Daz had a great weekend with Pam and the Vizslas!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Things to learn on a Thursday
Well, it starts with what Daz learned on Wednesday. : ) She can now jump up on the sofa by herself.
And no, Fada is NOT happy about it. She is currently laying on whichever sofa Daz is NOT. Which means where I'm not, and she's glaring at the world.
Anyway, this new development means that Daz must learn that she is welcome to lay on the sofa beside me while I am working. I am still working upstairs, since not ready to have Daz loose in the basement where my desk is. I moved my "office" (lap top) to the living room in February because that put me next to the whelping/puppy area. I do need to move back downstairs soon, but not ready to trust Daz on open back basement stairs or being loose amongst everything down there.
However, she may NOT chew or sit on the computer. She may NOT beg when I am eating here. She may NOT put her face in my plate of food. She may NOT eat the trial entries/checks I am working on.
We are making progress on these things.
She has a big weekend coming up! I am leaving early Friday morning to go to Charleston, SC, helping Stephanie and Braden move down there (DON'T want to discuss further, not coping well. ) and Daz is going to stay with Auntie Pam and the Vizslas. Weather permitting, Pam will be taking her along to the BRAG demo at OSU on Saturday. Lots of new fun!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
And more rain
So we (unfortunately) for more rainy day practice today. More recall to heel work and tug outside in the rain. Pretty cool how she can go from standing miserable and cold in the rain to tugging in a flash. However, ENOUGH ALREADY with the "inclement weather training" opportunities!
Hanging with a warm Border Collie on a rainy day
I have ears now!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday activities
It is cold and rainy, ICK! But we are getting outside to work in the damp, cold weather because Fada hates it and I want to reinforce Daz for working in adverse conditions.
Today we introduced walking on a show lead and recall to heel for cookies. Both going well so far!
Today we introduced walking on a show lead and recall to heel for cookies. Both going well so far!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Vettel settling in just fine!
Vettel is making himself right at home in Tucson!
AND he has his very own blog now! http://podengovettel.blogspot.com/
AND he has his very own blog now! http://podengovettel.blogspot.com/
Daz on her own
Daz and I have been having a good week. Vettel left on Tuesday afternoon. We all miss him, but little Daz and I have been connecting on a new level since he has left.
Wednesday she and I went over to play with Andy and he and Lianne's dogs, including seeing a wading pool for the first time. (no camera, sorry!) She learned pretty quickly when Andy was throwing balls for his guys to stay OUT of the way. Especially when she heard Spry thundering by. <g> She had a great time and came home and napped.
Thursday evening I teach agility class so took Daz with me. I went early enough for her to hang out with me before time to set up my class. We did sits and stands outside the ring. Also played tug and worked on nose touch to my hand. Then she sat politely in her crate while I taught.
After class we went out to potty and visited with Auntie Pam and Pixie (Vizsla) in the parking lot. The Nash (Aussie) and Crystal came out and met her, then Ruth and Izzy (Kees). Lots of new dogs and people!
Friday (today) we played outside in the morning. Daz had fun chasing Neat chasing a tennis ball. Then they all hung out in the sun while I worked on the deck.
I have made a new folder for Daz on Picasa with LOTS Of new photos!
Wednesday she and I went over to play with Andy and he and Lianne's dogs, including seeing a wading pool for the first time. (no camera, sorry!) She learned pretty quickly when Andy was throwing balls for his guys to stay OUT of the way. Especially when she heard Spry thundering by. <g> She had a great time and came home and napped.
Thursday evening I teach agility class so took Daz with me. I went early enough for her to hang out with me before time to set up my class. We did sits and stands outside the ring. Also played tug and worked on nose touch to my hand. Then she sat politely in her crate while I taught.
After class we went out to potty and visited with Auntie Pam and Pixie (Vizsla) in the parking lot. The Nash (Aussie) and Crystal came out and met her, then Ruth and Izzy (Kees). Lots of new dogs and people!
Friday (today) we played outside in the morning. Daz had fun chasing Neat chasing a tennis ball. Then they all hung out in the sun while I worked on the deck.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Good morning Daz!
My first official morning with *my* new puppy, instead of my litter. Miss Daz (Casa do Sol Audácia) is relaxing in her lounge this morning, like any good Podengo in the sun.
Had a great first night on her own. She slept all night, woke up after 7:30 this morning. GOOD girlie! I think it helps that I have been crating them separately for awhile now. Sitting outside working this morning, while dogs are all relaxing in this gorgeous weather.
Had a great first night on her own. She slept all night, woke up after 7:30 this morning. GOOD girlie! I think it helps that I have been crating them separately for awhile now. Sitting outside working this morning, while dogs are all relaxing in this gorgeous weather.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Vettel goes home
Vettel, aka, "Casa do Sol Acelerar o Passo" with his new mommy, Donna. New dad Jim is home waiting to meet the little guy. Saving his vacation days for when Donna goes back to work. He is gong to be one spoiled and adored little guy in his new home!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
First agility trial
Tired, should be in bed, but pups, Neat and I had a great day in the SUN at the trial. Pups met people and dogs and generally had a blast.
More later, but here are a few photos, more on Picasa.
More later, but here are a few photos, more on Picasa.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Good night!
So cute to see ten week old puppies RACE to get in their crates. I put big dogs in their crates downstairs and came up with the usual cookies for the babies. I set their crates down in our usual bedtime spot, by the sofa, and they were whining while waiting for me to open the doors so they could get in!
Tomorrow we'll pack up to head to MI for the weekend for an outdoors USDAA trial. Just Neat, Vettel and Fada for me, but going with Lianne and Andy with Panic, Spry and Dexter. HOPE it doesn't rain!
Tomorrow we'll pack up to head to MI for the weekend for an outdoors USDAA trial. Just Neat, Vettel and Fada for me, but going with Lianne and Andy with Panic, Spry and Dexter. HOPE it doesn't rain!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Facebook friends, vote for us now!
Only till noon (eastern) Thursday.
Please go to Agility Vision and vote for the photo of Vettel and Daz! We have till noon today (Thursday). You have to "Like" Agility Vision, if you don't already, to then "Like" (vote for) our photo.
http://www.facebook.com/pages/ AgilityVision/92678204428
Please go to Agility Vision and vote for the photo of Vettel and Daz! We have till noon today (Thursday). You have to "Like" Agility Vision, if you don't already, to then "Like" (vote for) our photo.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Last week!
I have set up the Picasa folders for the last week of baby pictures. After this, there will be no more "Yin and Yang" photo folders, but I will continue to post pictures of "Daz" and "Vettel". (I'm counting on you Donna, to send lots of pics! <g>)
I will admit to feeling a certain sadness at the end of babyhood for these two. It has really been SO much fun watching them grow and change. Each litter brings new things anyway, but this one has really been a new experience for me. I have never had just two puppies to raise as a litter before and it is really a totally different experience than litters of 5-10 Border Collie or Portuguese Water Dog babies or the singleton PWD pup I raised.
Even though I will miss Vettel and miss the baby stage, I am also looking forward to Daz as "my new dog,", not just "one of the puppies." And I know Vettel is going to go on to a wonderful life with Donna, Jim and his new Aussie family in AZ. I'm quite sure he won't miss the rainy spring we've had here in Ohio! It will be funny to him for awhile to adjust to the no grass thing, but I am sure he'll get it quickly.
I hope everyone has enjoyed reading about the babies first two and a half months of life here, and there will be more to come through next Tuesday! Updates as Fada gets back to agility and once Daz begins her agility training and career will also appear on the Podengo Agility blog. And don't miss reports of the pups' cousin Dexter there as well!
I will admit to feeling a certain sadness at the end of babyhood for these two. It has really been SO much fun watching them grow and change. Each litter brings new things anyway, but this one has really been a new experience for me. I have never had just two puppies to raise as a litter before and it is really a totally different experience than litters of 5-10 Border Collie or Portuguese Water Dog babies or the singleton PWD pup I raised.
Even though I will miss Vettel and miss the baby stage, I am also looking forward to Daz as "my new dog,", not just "one of the puppies." And I know Vettel is going to go on to a wonderful life with Donna, Jim and his new Aussie family in AZ. I'm quite sure he won't miss the rainy spring we've had here in Ohio! It will be funny to him for awhile to adjust to the no grass thing, but I am sure he'll get it quickly.
I hope everyone has enjoyed reading about the babies first two and a half months of life here, and there will be more to come through next Tuesday! Updates as Fada gets back to agility and once Daz begins her agility training and career will also appear on the Podengo Agility blog. And don't miss reports of the pups' cousin Dexter there as well!
Poor babies!
Went to Dr. Joanne's and walked into the office on collar and lead like big doggies. They did have to sit on my lap in the waiting room. The only other client waiting had an adolescent Akita which he quite obviously couldn't control at ALL. It was lunging and jumping at the pups continually. Not in an aggressive way, I assume he wanted to play. But.... not happening. And it was on a flexi lead! Anyway, they did get us into an exam room pretty quickly where the babies ran around and explored.
Dr. Joanne came in and weighed Daz (4 1/2 lbs) and then out comes the BIG syringe. The pups were getting their micro chips today. I hate doing it to them, but feel it really is very important. I could have put Daz's off a few months, since she is staying, but Vettel needed his done before he leaves next week, so I went ahead and took them both. Normally I hold my own dogs for everything they need done, but I can't stand this one, so the tech held Daz while she got it. Poor thing shrieked! Fortunately, as soon as it was over, she recovered quickly and gave Dr. Joanne a kiss.
Then Vettel's turn. He weighed in at approx 5 3/4 lbs. and he was getting a check up, since he needed a health certificate. I warned her, HE is the real screamer. Little guy protests about everything you do with him, vocally. So he starts when she held his muzzle tot look at his eyes. He started thrashing and screaming and fussing like he was being killed. <g> Not one to be taken advantage of, Dr. Joanne just held his muzzle steady until he stopped. He finally did, so the exam went on. Then, the NEEDLE. HE screamed, but no worse than he did for the totally pan=in free exam.
Both were pretty tired when we got home, so napped, had lunch and are now back out playing!
Dr. Joanne came in and weighed Daz (4 1/2 lbs) and then out comes the BIG syringe. The pups were getting their micro chips today. I hate doing it to them, but feel it really is very important. I could have put Daz's off a few months, since she is staying, but Vettel needed his done before he leaves next week, so I went ahead and took them both. Normally I hold my own dogs for everything they need done, but I can't stand this one, so the tech held Daz while she got it. Poor thing shrieked! Fortunately, as soon as it was over, she recovered quickly and gave Dr. Joanne a kiss.
Then Vettel's turn. He weighed in at approx 5 3/4 lbs. and he was getting a check up, since he needed a health certificate. I warned her, HE is the real screamer. Little guy protests about everything you do with him, vocally. So he starts when she held his muzzle tot look at his eyes. He started thrashing and screaming and fussing like he was being killed. <g> Not one to be taken advantage of, Dr. Joanne just held his muzzle steady until he stopped. He finally did, so the exam went on. Then, the NEEDLE. HE screamed, but no worse than he did for the totally pan=in free exam.
Both were pretty tired when we got home, so napped, had lunch and are now back out playing!
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