Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Poor babies!

Went to Dr. Joanne's and walked into the office on collar and lead like big doggies. They did have to sit on my lap in the waiting room. The only other client waiting had an adolescent Akita which he quite obviously couldn't control at ALL. It was lunging and jumping at the pups continually. Not in an aggressive way, I assume he wanted to play. But.... not happening. And it was on a flexi lead! Anyway, they did get us into an exam room pretty quickly where the babies ran around and explored.

Dr. Joanne came in and weighed Daz (4 1/2 lbs) and then out comes the BIG syringe. The pups were getting their micro chips today. I hate doing it to them, but feel it really is very important. I could have put Daz's off a few months, since she is staying, but Vettel needed his done before he leaves next week, so I went ahead and took them both. Normally I hold my own dogs for everything they need done, but I can't stand this one, so the tech held Daz while she got it. Poor thing shrieked! Fortunately, as soon as it was over, she recovered quickly and gave Dr. Joanne a kiss.

Then Vettel's turn. He weighed in at approx 5 3/4 lbs. and he was getting a check up, since he needed a health certificate. I warned her, HE is the real screamer. Little guy protests about everything you do with him, vocally. So he starts when she held his muzzle tot look at his eyes. He started thrashing and screaming and fussing like he was being killed. <g> Not one to be taken advantage of, Dr. Joanne just held his muzzle steady until he stopped. He finally did, so the exam went on. Then, the NEEDLE. HE screamed, but no worse than he did for the totally pan=in free exam.

Both were pretty tired when we got home, so napped, had lunch and are now back out playing!

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