Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Evening musings

Okay, most of you know, I want to keep a girl. But at this point, Yin is such a roly poly little bear cub you can't help but laugh at her. She is trying to get herself up on her feet more, but falls over. Often gets stuck on her back.

Yang, on the other hand, is looking fairly "together" at the moment. He does still outweigh Yin, but he is longer as well. He is a little sleeker at the moment and today  has been laying and holding his head up. His neck supports his head better than Yin's, so between the pose and his striking color, he is looking quite elegant today.


  1. I think he's a pretty handsome little dude. You're gonna have a tough decision. Or wait -- just keep both!!

  2. Nope, girls have babies. NO decision to be made. Well, only if Yin stays or not. Not WHICH one to keep.

  3. She'll be the one that ends up being the more active one in the end probably :D

  4. Kim, she has a ways to go and a lot of roundness to lose!

  5. Well, speaking only from Sheltie experience, I think boys are slower to mature, but once they do, more reliable, and you don't get the "I wanna do what *I* wanna do!" attitude--ask the girls to do something and they often check their planners first to see what THEY have scheduled. Boys are always ready to do what you want. And they're more loving.


  6. Nora I totally agree! I have always said my boys get up in the morning asking what they can do to make my day better. My girls get up and ask what I am doing for them today. : )

  7. I'm Pretty sure that mentally Spry is aboy dog :)
