Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Puppy news!

(written LATE/early this morning last night, but couldn't get to post from my phone)

The puppies have been trying to get up on their little legs all evening and were just now lurching around like drunken little weebles.  Yin even managed to stand up and make a poop all by herself!  Hoping to have video of actual puppy walking tomorrow.


  1. I wanna see weebly video when you have time!

    Yea for poop! (isn't it funny the things that make dog people happy?)

  2. I finally figured out how to trim and edit nearly 6 boring minutes to less than 3 of slightly less boring video.

  3. wanna see the wobbly walking, but not the stand up pooping, please :-) Your Cuz Cindy

  4. Edited out pooping. Drunken sailor walking posted.
