Friday, March 18, 2011

What is yet to come

When I changed their bedding today I didn't put Yin and Yang into a box. They would have likely climbed right out anyway. : ) I just let them hang out in the pen, outside the box while I worked. As expected, they sort of froze for awhile, in a brand new environment. By the time I was done, they were starting to explore the new area a little bit.

Fada is now choosing to spend less and less time with the puppies. She still runs back when she hears them squeak, but is spending most of her time with me now. She sleeps on my feet at night, going into the pen to feed them once or twice. I expect she'll spend less time cleaning up after them soon, at which time blanket changing will become more frequent. I intend to introduce solid food this weekend, and that usually is the beginning of the end of Momma cleaning pups.

Now that they are more alert and mobile I will be introducing them to more and more new experiences each day. Each room in the house is an opportunity to have a new experience. Different flooring, sights, sounds, etc. Hopefully the weather will stay so warm and we can go out on the deck next week too.

I am always on the lookout for things like the new slide I bought them today. Anything with motion, sounds, etc. will give them pause, but build confidence. Watch the blog for fun weeks to come!

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