Wednesday, April 27, 2011

9 Weeks

Wow, where has the time gone? Puppies are 9 weeks old today. Daz weighs 4 1/4 lbs and Vettel weighs 5 lbs.

In the last week pups have:
Gone 8 (I think) new places, including the vet
Had a structural eval with Auntie Pam
Started eating out of individual bowls in their own crates (rather than together out of the puppy pan)
Worked on click/treat for their names
Daz has started her table stacking training
More on lead walking
They started chasing the bunny on the string (video on YouTube)
This evening got put into crates (one for each pup) when we went out to dinner, rather than loose together in the pen
Had their first vaccinations

Puppies are now eating 3 meals a day. As stated above, they are eating on their own now, rather than the communal pan. They generally get two kibble meals/day (Fromm Puppy Gold) and one of Honest Kitchen (Thrive or Embark).

They each get a 1/2 of a dog biscuit at bedtime and when I leave them home. They figured it out pretty quickly and run to the pen now at bedtime and when I put the big dogs away and know they are getting a cookie.

They got their first vaccinations today. I am using Dr. Jean Dodd's vaccine protocol, so they got just a Distemper/Parvo which will be repeated in 4 weeks. I then gave each puppy a 1/2 dropper of Thuja, to try to minimize any possible ill effect.

Vettel is sure that he is nearly able to jump up on the sofa! He may well be right. Daz can't really come very close to it, but has taught her (human) Daddy a new trick. She runs over and plays on his feet, and he puts his legs out and lowered just enough that she can climb up them, to his chest. (dogs are EXCELLENT trainers!)

They play king of the mountain on their slide. Vettel cannot get under it anymore, but Daz can. So she also lies in wait underneath, darting out to bite him. Reminds me of the troll under the bridge.

I am sure I have left some things out and there will be much more to come this week. Stay tuned!

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