Monday, April 4, 2011

Pottying and the great outdoors

Once I see puppies getting up and walking away from their sleeping area to pee I make part of the pen paper, leaving the rest blankets/fleece. They often don't catch on for quite some time. <g>

I have also started taking these two outside. They nearly often pee as soon as they hit grass and have been pooping outside a good bit as well. Of course, they still are going potty in their pen as well. But this should get less as we go on. I try to get them outside as soon as they wake up, after they eat and after they play. So we're running outdoors a good bit. It means not straying far from the puppy pen, so I know a soon as they are waking up and can catch them before they "go."

Their first time outside on the grass they were a little taken aback about the new stuff under their feet and the whole outdoor experience. I was very pleased though, that on that first trip out they did overcome their hesitation enough to move around a little.

Since that first trip, they are getting more and more confident outdoors and now following me around the yard. They are also willing to walk on the gravel area around the deck, which even Fada doesn't like to do!

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